OIA  Membership Information
Annual membership dues are $25.00 and due in the first quarter of the calendar year.  If you would like to become a member after the first quarter (April or later) please submit your application based on the fee schedule below:
Membership Fee Schedule
January 1 - March 31    $25

Prorated Fee Schedule:
April 1 - June 30   $18.75
July 1 - September 30   $12.50
October 1 - December 31   $6.25

You may also email an OIA Officer for additional information. Applications are available by either contacting the OIA or obtaining an OIA Membership Application by clicking on the link.  Regular membership is offered to anyone employed by the State of Ohio in any agency, department, board or commission serving in an investigative classification, such as law, law enforcement, regulatory compliance, or investigations.  Affiliate membership is offered to anyone regularly employed by the federal government, an Ohio county/city/township or village who serves in law, law enforcement, regulatory compliance or investigations.  Individuals who are employed full-time by a bona-fide organization in the field of investigations, such as insurance investigators, private investigators, or professors of law or criminal justice may also become affiliate members. 

Benefits of Membership
- Networking
- News & Information 
- Luncheon & Training
- Annual Banquet
- Awards & Recognition
- Leadership Opportunities
- Professional listing in OIA Roster